The FBHub AllianceDirector Infrastructure

Continuously coupled with FBHub Service and Product Providers

“Create an unfair advantage to recruit and retain business clients more effectively”


Modular Tooling & Marketing AccessBrilliantly Bundled

Brand • Position • Differentiate


•  Attendee discounts for the Spring and Fall LIVE National Conferences

•  Access to the monthly Family Business Hub Newsletter • Announcements • Press Releases, etc.

•  Participation in our FBHub Chapter Roundtable Meetings - In major cities nationally

•  Access to the FBHub Knowledge Center Content: Articles, Whitepapers, Videos, etc.

•  Access to the FBHub OpenShelf services and products provider Dashboard

•  Access to Trade & Professional Business Associations • Franchises • Collegiate Enterprise Centers

•  Inclusion in the Director Online Alliance Directory  -

•  Custom White Labeled AllianceDirector Marketing Materials
 – Brochures, Booklets, PowerPoint Presentations, etc.

•  Custom designed CRM Platform for AllianceDirectors

•  Access a national geographical database of 4.6 Million Small Businesses – 27 data points
Utilize the FBH national business owner trade association database: 23,000+ with 16 data points

•  Continuous coaching, training and case design

•  Monthly Teleconference Programs: Timely business topics conducted by industry leaders

•  Continuous Marketing Ad Campaigns in selected Family Business Publications

•  Tuition savings for the designation program: Chartered Family Business Advisor (ChFBA)